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Top 110+ DevOps Interview Questions and Answers for 2023


With a Docker image, any user can run the code to create Docker containers. Once you’ve created a swarm on your manager node, you can add worker nodes to your swarm. “include” is used to add a submodule or another file to a playbook. This means a code written once can be added to multiple playbooks.

  • You could also speak about your expertise, if any, in DevOps help over the Cloud environment.
  • The following workflow tells how the DevOps tools work cordially, and this workflow varies from organization to organization.
  • Each check-in is then verified by an automated build, allowing teams to detect problems early.
  • You can write a manifest in Puppet Master that creates a file and installs apache on all Puppet Agents connected to the Puppet Master.
  • DevOps is not only about jobs or devices, it’s about people, automation, and culture.
  • Because DevOps impacts and collaboration, focus on the relevant project players and how you work with others.

Skills tests can be tailored to the needs of your vacancy and will enable you to immediately rule out unsuitable candidates and select the best ones to invite to an interview. Regression testing can be implemented by checking the original code after new changes have been made or by evaluating how updates affect performance. Git fetch retrieves the latest data from the remote repository, but without integrating this data into the working branches. Git pull, on the other hand, retrieves and updates local branches with the new information from their corresponding remote branches.

Top 50 DevOps Engineer Interview Questions

We’ve compiled 13 Senior React JS developer interview questions with answers that cover the most advanced topics. Prepare for these 10 common senior business analyst interview questions with answers and our guide to making your senior business analyst interview a success. Software programs known as configuration management systems enable the consistent, dependable, and secure control of an environment. To support operational goals and enhance awareness of the technical stack used in the production environment, this approach makes it simple to automate project service management. It is an approach to software engineering that marries the operations team and the development team with the goal of automating routine tasks at every level. Asking at least a couple of DevOps coding interview questions will ensure that they have relevant technical knowledge.

devops engineer interview questions

Tell me about a time when you wouldn’t have successfully completed a project without teamwork. The below questions can help you find candidates who are well-versed at influencing and persuading others. Prepare further for technical software interviews with Entry-Level Software Engineer Interview Questions . “DevOps managers and teams are looking for people who have a passion for the work, are self-driven, and can work independently,” Arif says.

Why Has DevOps Gained Prominence over the Last Few Years?

Regression testing assesses how an application behaves after a new change has been implemented. It should be performed between integration testing and user testing. Git merge and git rebase are two commands in GitHub used to integrate changes from one branch into another. Asset management, on the other hand, reviews these assets from a financial perspective. It tracks items from the point of acquisition to disposal, to determine whether they offer sufficient economic value to the organization. Automation testing is the process of automatically reviewing and validating scripts to verify the functionality of the program.

What is your greatest strength as DevOps engineer?

  • 1) Communication and Collaboration.
  • 2) Soft Skills and Noble Thought.
  • 3) Understanding of Relevant Tools.
  • 4) Security Skills.
  • 5) Automation Skills.
  • 6) Coding and Scripting.
  • 7) Cloud Skills.
  • 8) Testing Skills.

A host or service is determined to have started flapping when its percent state change first exceeds a high flapping threshold. Flapping occurs when a service or host changes state too frequently, this causes lot of problem and recovery notifications. Located behind a firewall and cannot be checked actively from the monitoring host. This is in addition to the regular cycle of external command checks and is done to provide immediate action if an event handler submits commands to Nagios. There is a SSL connection between monitoring host and remote host as shown in the diagram below.

Q19. If you vaguely remember the command and you’d like to confirm it, how will you get help on that particular command?

VMfres is one of the most effective options for making IaaS cloud from Virtual Box VMs in no time. However, if you want lightweight PaaS, then Dokku is a good option because bash script can be PaaS out of Dokku containers. Dogpile effect is referred to the event when a cache expires, and websites are hit by the multiple requests made by the client at the same time. In this how to become a devops engineer system when value expires, the first process acquires the lock and starts generating new value. If you have any additional DevOps questions and are unable to find the answers, please do mention them in the comment section below. Docker containers are not specified to any particular infrastructure; they can run on any infrastructure, on any computer, and in any cloud.

devops engineer interview questions

The data in the failed server won’t get removed, but there is a provision for auto-failure, which you can configure for multiple nodes. Fail-over can be triggered during any socket or Memcached server level errors and not during standard client errors like adding an existing key, etc. It also allows you to build a writable Git mirror of a local or remote Subversion repository. The speed of delivery means time taken for any task to get them into the production environment. A distributed VCS like helps you to store the complete history of the project so in case of a breakdown in the central server you can use your team member’s local Git repository. They are a streamlined way to create, test, deploy, and redeploy applications in multiple environments.

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